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A Discerning Faith

14Broken promises

are worse than rain clouds

that don't bring rain.

If you cannot keep your promises, and you really should not make promises at all, just don't make them. The LORD tells you not to make vows, not even to God himself. Or you will be held accountable for it. Right to the end.

15Patience and gentle talk

can convince a ruler

and overcome any problem.

Don't use the law to convince a ruler to have your way

Or he will turn the law around on you and sue you back.

Be patient. There is no need to rush. What is meant for you alwayhs arrives right on time.

"Trust in the Lord and Do Good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart: - Psalms 37:3-4

16Eating too much honey

can make you sick.

This is not referring to the honey that is the scriptures. It is referring to sugar. Do not add too much sugar to your drinks or foods, or you will always be sick.

17Don't visit friends too often,

or they will get tired of it

and start hating you.

If your friends don't like you that much, don't badger them too much about the same thing over and over again. Don't visit them too often, or they will get tired of you and start hating you.

18Telling lies about friends

is like attacking them

with clubs and swords

and sharp arrows.

Don't tell lies about your friends, your dearest friends. You will lose them forever.

19A friend you can't trust

in times of trouble

is like having a toothache

or a sore foot.

If you can't trust a friend in times of trouble, you end up dying on the inside. So if a friend has always been there for you, please be there for them when they are in need..

20Singing to someone

in deep sorrow

is like pouring vinegar

in an open cut.

Don't sing at karaoke.

21 If your enemies are hungry,

give them something to eat.

And if they are thirsty,

give them something

to drink.

Even if someone is your enemy, feed them.

Feed them with honey, the Bible.

This is choice food.

When you read the Bible, you get blessed with material blessings.

Money, honour, jobs, love, friendship, it is all yorus to have.

If they are thirsty, feed them the Bible's spiritual milk.

Then they, like spiritual babes, will grow.

22This will be the same

as piling burning coals

on their heads.

And the Lord

will reward you.

Then your enemies will be ashamed of themselves.

And they will repent.

They will cry tears of repentance.

And the Lord will reward you duely.

23As surely as rain blows in

from the north,

anger is caused

by cruel words.

Rain that blows from the north is always harshest.

Do not be harsh with your words.

24It's better to stay outside

on the roof of your house

than to live inside

with a nagging wife.

If you are a nagging mother,

Consider why your son prefers to stay outside.

25Good news from far away

refreshes like cold water

when you are thirsty.

Good news from distant lands like Africa

Is refreshing to the sponsors of children who pray and write to their sponsors

Right when they are spirtually dryest.

26When a good person gives in

to the wicked,

it's like dumping garbage

in a stream of clear water.

Do not accept the bribes of the wicked.

Or your holy spirit's water will leave you.

And you will be defiled.

27Don't eat too much honey

or always want praise.

Don't eat too much of the Bible and read and read and read all at once. It is supposed to be absorbed slowly, digested slowly. Or you will have indigestion.

Don't always seek to be praised.

Or people will take advantage of you.

28Losing self-control

leaves you as helpless

as a city without a wall.

Always pray to be filled with the holy spirit

Always be guided by the holy spirit

That is all.

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